17 May, 2009

New Document

What We Think About the Most, We Become

If that is true and we know that it is, then why
don't we just think about how we would like our
life to be? Shouldn't if follow that if we spend
most of our time thinking about what we want,
then that is what we will have or become? In fact,
we know that we can control our thoughts, so it
should not be such a difficult process to live
the life that we desire and deserve.

The sad reality is that we don't make the effort
to control our thoughts. We choose to live by
default, rather than by deliberate creation,
accepting whatever life brings and then
complaining or moaning because we have been
dealt a bad deal. We are not "lucky " like
someone else or we have had bad breaks or.....
the excuses are too numerous to mention.

So, what can we do today to change all of that?
We know that we can contol our thoughts, so
that is the starting point. It won't come
natural and there must be an effort or some
action taken to get started. But, with a little
practice, it gets easier. Start with something
small to build your confidence. Just remind
yourself that what we think about the most is
what we become. What or who would you like
to become?

Today's quote is one that I recite often, but I don't know
who to attribute it to: "In order to have what you've
never had, you must do what you've never done."

With gratitude,


Check out my reputation: http://www.ikarma.com/user/rickray